
Monday, December 31, 2007

Info Scholarship - DAAD Beasiswa Scholarship Programmes 2008/2009

Bilateral Exchange of Academics

  • Under this bilateral agreement between the DAAD and the Directorate of Higher Education (DIKTI) academics and researchers from Indonesia and Germany who hold a doctorate and are working at a univessity can be invited to come to Germany or Indonesia to carry out a joint research project/research stay. The partner organisation proposes selected candidates to the DAAD and sends an appropriate ranking.
  • Applications by Indonesian academics and researchers are forwarded to the DAAD by the DIKTI. Applications by German academics and researchers are submitted direct to the DAAD.
  • The stay should last at least two weeks but no longer than three months.
  • Lecture tours and conference visits cannot be funded.

Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Academics and Scientists

  • Application deadline: 5 October each year
  • Applications for research grants may be submitted by excellently qualified young lecturers from state and private universities respectively IKIPs as well as academics and scientists from state research institutions who have passed their second (graduate) degree (Master’s) with a grade of 3.0 or better and who can prove that they have gained at least two years of career experience. In exceptional cases, young university graduates from the private sector may also apply
  • The DAAD will pay an appropriate flat-rate travel allowance.
  • Applicants from Indonesia for research grants are generally expected to be able to prove that they have a basic knowledge of German at the time of application
  • The award of research grants to run for more than six months is subject to an age limit of 32 for applicants from Indonesia. In the case of shorter terms or where a doctorate is to be gained under the DAAD Sandwich Model, exceptions up to an age limit of 36 are possible.

Application address
DAAD Jakarta Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61 - 62
Summitmas I, lt. 19
Jakarta 12190 / INDONESIA


Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI)
Direktorat Pembinaan Sarana Akademis
Gedung DIKTI, Lt. 4
Jl. Pintu I Senayan
Jakarta 10002 / INDONESIA

Further information and advice

Frau Jutta Kunze
Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Sastra Jerman
J. Raya Bandung Sumedang km. 21
Bandung 406000

Herr Dr. Guido Schnieders
Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program Studi Jerman
16424 Depok

Herr Dr. Gerhard Jaiser
Universitas Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya
Program Studi Jerman
16424 Depok

Frau Dr. Cornelia Bast
Universitas Negeri Malang
Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Sastra Jerman
Jl. Surabaya 6, Gedung E7
Macang 65145

Frau Dr. Karen Jutezenka
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Dept. of Marine Science and Technology (ITK)
Kampus IPB Darmaga
16689 Jawa Barat

Info Scholarship - Belle Zeller scholarship for academic year 2008-2009

Application materials for applying for a Belle Zeller scholarship for academic year 2008-2009 are available for download.

Note that there is one form for undergraduates, one for Law School students and one for students at the Graduate Center. Please be sure that you download and submit the correct application.

Please observe great care to follow all instructions and to meet the December 10 application deadline.

The materials should be self-explanatory. However, questions not covered on the information sheets can be submitted by email to

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Info Scholarship - POWCS Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australia

University of New South Wales, Australia

Prince of Wales Clinical School (POWCS) has a long tradition of integrating research, teaching, and clinical care. We have world class research facilities, based in the Prince of Wales Hospital in the clinically related disciplines of neurology, nephrology, virology, diabetes, surgery, oncology, amongst others. We also have close affiliations with many centers of renown such as the St Vincent’s Hospital and Garvan Institute.

We provide excellent infrastructure and support to our postgraduate students to pursue high quality research. We encourage you to peruse the information that follows, which we hope may attract you to join us in what we believe will be a rewarding, educational and collegial experience for you.

Our Postgraduate Research Scholarships details are as follow:

The Scholarships is intended for the support of basic laboratory or clinical research, and is not intended for the support of drug trials or other pharmaceutical commercial-sponsored trials. Currently two scholarships are available. The value of this scholarships is AUD27000 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 1 year (eligible to reapply).


  • Applicants should have primary enrollment in the POWCS in 2008 for a postgraduate research degree;
  • One Scholarship available to Prince of Wales Hospital-based students, the other is open to all students enrolled in the School
  • The scholarship is not restricted to Australian citizens and permanent residents, however, foreign students will be eligible to apply only after successful completion of his/her first year of enrollment in the School;
  • The Scholarship is intended for the support of basic laboratory or clinical research, and is not intended for the support of drug trials or other pharmaceutical commercial-sponsored trials;
  • The project on which the applicant will conduct his/her research should be primarily conducted at the Prince of Wales Clinical School;
  • The supervisor of the project on which the applicant will conduct his/her research should have sufficient resources to support the project (see application requirements below);
  • The recipient should be a regular attendee of the POWCS Postgraduate Research Seminars and should be scheduled to present at one Seminar in 2008.
  • The applicant’s primary supervisor should be either a full time academic or a conjoint appointee of the POWCS who participates in PG research progress review, including attendance to the fortnightly PG research seminars
  • Upon completion of the scholarship the recipient is expected to publish the research outcomes

A complete application will consist of the following:

  • Completed UNSW Scholarship Application Form. Download POWCS Application Form (8)
  • Research plan and thesis milestones
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Letter from the supervisor of the project on which the applicant will conduct his/her research indicating that he/she has sufficient resources–including staff, materials, and equipment—to complete the project in accordance with OH&S standards.

Complete application should be posted to the following address:
Prince of Wales Clinical School
Attn: Irena Tomossy
Medical Professorial Unit
First Floor, South Wing
Edmund Blacket Building
Prince of Wales Hospital
Randwick NSW 2031

Application Deadline: 30 January 2008

Main Contact
Irena Tomossy (Manager)
Prince of Wales Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine

Info Scholarship - Postgraduate Scholarships in Higher Surgical Degree, Australia

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Australia

Applications are called for The Charles M Lilley Scholarships to be awarded in 2008. The scholarship would be for 1 year with the option of reapplying on a yearly basis up to a total of 3 years. The purpose of the scholarship is to enable the successful applicant to undertake post-graduate study for a Higher Surgical Degree, in Australia or overseas.

The value of The Charles M Lilley Scholarships for 2008 will be $20,000. The programme will be undertaken at:Australian Catholic University, Bond University, Central Queensland University, Griffith University, James Cook University, Queensland University of Technology, Southern Cross University, The University of Queensland, The University of Southern Queensland, University of the Sunshine Coast.

Applicants for the Scholarship must be a graduate of the Faculty or School of Medicine of a University in the state of Queensland and have completed not less than 2 years’ practice after graduation. Other eligibility criteria also apply.

An application form and guidelines can be obtained from:

Virginia Kelly
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
07 3835 8600

The application is require to be lodged with the College, 50 Water Street, Spring Hill, Brisbane QLD 4000 by Monday 21 January 2008.

Info from

Info Scholarship - PhD Scholarships in The Neuronal Basis of Gastrointestinal Diseases, Australia

The University of New South Wales, Australia

The School of Medical Sciences, Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology, is currently offering a PhD Scholarships in “The Neuronal Basis of Gastrointestinal Disease“. The scholarship is for $20,000 p.a., for 3 years, with the expectation that the successful candidate will commence in early 2008. Enthusiastic students interested in undertaking full?time postgraduate research are sought to work on a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funded project examining the role of serotonin in gastrointestinal function.

This scholarship is for study in Australia for those who have achieved Honours 1 or equivalent. The scholarships is not for living expense, it should be used for research purpose. The study will be required to be started no earlier than February 1st 2008 and no later than December 31st 2010. Open for applications from December 7, 2007 until February 1, 2008. A good Honours degree in physiology, Pharmacology, Anatomy, Biochemistry or a related discipline is required. If the student is awarded an APA/UPA they will receive a further $3,000 per annum.

Before submitting the application, interested students should contact one of the following supervisors:

Dr Paul P Bertrand (e: ; p: 02 9385 2549)
Dr Lu Liu (e: ; p: 02 9385 8762)

Info from

Info Scholarship - University of Durham, UK

University of Durham, UK

For 2008-2009 academic years several Overseas Research Student Awards Scheme (ORSAS) are being offered by The University of Durham to International Postgraduate Students. The scholarships are available for these departments:

  1. Anthropology,
  2. Applied Social Sciences,
  3. Archaeology,
  4. Biological & Biomedical Sciences,
  5. Business School,
  6. Chemistry,
  7. Classics and Ancient History,
  8. Community and Youth Work,
  9. Computer Science,
  10. Criminology,
  11. Earth Sciences,
  12. East Asian Studies,
  13. Economics and Finance,
  14. Education, Engineering,
  15. English Studies,
  16. Geography,
  17. Government and International Affairs,
  18. Health,
  19. History,
  20. Law,
  21. Mathematical Sciences,
  22. Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies,
  23. Modern Languages & Cultures,
  24. Music, Philosophy,
  25. Physics,
  26. Politics,
  27. Psychology,
  28. Social Work,
  29. Sociology,
  30. Sport,
  31. Theology and Religion.

The scholarships will be offered on a competitive basis to international postgraduate research students of outstanding academic ability and research potential who are either commencing or continuing full-time postgraduate study as registered research students at Durham University (note: students entering the third year of their programme of study will not generally be eligible for an award).

Award comprises: - Full payment of tuition fees - Each award is made for one year in the first instance, and is normally renewable each year up to a maximum tenure of 3 years, subject to conditions.

The Overseas Research Student Awards Scheme (ORSAS) was set up by the Secretary of State for Education and Science in 1979 to attract high-quality international students to the United Kingdom to undertake research. The Scheme is funded through the four UK higher education funding bodies (for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).


ORS awards will be offered to:

  • either international postgraduate students who, in the session 2008/9, are commencing full-time study as registered research students,or
  • international postgraduate students who, in the session 2008/9, are already registered full-time research students.

Students entering the third year of their programme of study will not generally be eligible for an award.

Nature of Awards

  • The award will be a fees-only award payable at the overseas rate.
  • The award cannot be held concurrently with a fully-funded scholarship such as a Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award, or Commonwealth Scholarship. However, an award may be held concurrently with a Durham University Doctoral Fellowship or another award that does not cover the same area of funding.
  • ach award will be made for one year in the first instance but, subject to progress being deemed satisfactory by the academic department and the Postgraduate Awards Sub- Committee, is renewable for a second and a third year.

Application Procedure

New applicants should submit an application for postgraduate study using the standard online application procedure (go to
Applicants should indicate that they wish to be considered for an ORS award.

The deadline for applications to be received from candidates through the on-line application form is Monday 18 February 2008 03:00 GMT. The deadline for receipt of all additional documentation from candidates in the Graduate School (references, transcripts etc) is Friday 29 February 2008.

Students who have already applied for entry in 2007/8 or those who are currently registered at Durham should email their departmental Director of Postgraduate Studies to indicate that they wish to be considered for an ORS award by Monday 18 February 2008 03:00 GMT

Any application received by the Graduate School will be forwarded to the relevant academic department for consideration. Academic departments are then responsible for completing nominations for those applicants they wish to nominate for an award.

Departments should put forward prospective ORSAS nominations made up of:

  • The initial application as completed by the applicant (including references)
  • A supporting statement from the academic department

In view of the limited number of awards, academic departments will only be allowed to submit 2 nominations.

The deadline for the receipt of departmental nominations in the Graduate School for consideration by Faculty panels is Tuesday 25 March 2008.

Selection of Award Winner

The Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee will be responsible for the final selection of award holders, taking into account the academic department rankings.

The Sub-Committee will assess departmental nominations on the basis of academic excellence and research potential.

The Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee will meet on Friday 4 April 2008.

It is the intention of the Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee that the results of the 2008/9 competition will be announced immediately after the meeting of the Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee on Friday 4 April 2008. Each academic department will be notified of the result of applications nominated and each nominated applicant will be informed whether or not their application has been successful.

ORS awards are credited against the students’ academic fees and no payments will be made directly to the award holde.

An award may be terminated at any time when an unsatisfactory progress report on the award holder is received from the academic department or when the award holder ceases to be a full-time research studen.

Subject to a satisfactory progress report from the academic department, ORS awards are renewable each year, up to a maximum tenure of three years. The award holder is not required to apply for renewal, but is informed by letter when the award has been renewed, usually in April.

The Durham University ORSAS Scholarships are administered by the Graduate School on behalf of the University. Any queries on the overall administration of the scheme should be directed to the Graduate School as follows:

Graduate School
Durham University
Mountjoy Research Centre
Block 2
Stockton Road

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 334 4565
Fax: +44 (0) 191 334 4578

Info from

Info Scholarship - US South Pacific Scholarship Program

Funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, USSP provides educational opportunities for individuals from South Pacific countries in fields relevant to the development needs in the region. Funding is for undergraduate degree or Master's level study.

  • Eligibility: Citizens of the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
  • Application Deadline: February 1, 2008
  • Application forms and information, visit:

Info from

Info Scholarship - Illinois Scholarship Info

Illinois is chock-full of scholarship opportunities….you just have to know where to look. Many of these opportunities require that you take the time to to either call and request more information or write and request an application. Not all of the information is available online.

The Lord Educational Fund: Open to residents of Taylorville and Assumption, Illinois. This award is available to 50 students and is administered through First Trust and Savings Bank. The deadline to apply is April 1; between $500 and $4,000 is awarded annually to the recipients based upon fund availability.

For more information, write to:

Lord Educational Fund
First Trust and Savings Bank, Trust Officer
P.O. Box 309
Taylorville, Illinois 62568-0309

Phone: 217-824-4955
Fax: 217-287-1835

Sangamon County Scholarships: Live in Sangamon County? You’re in luck! There are over 50 scholarship opportunities available to you. These awards require the completion of a formal application.

For more information, write to:

Sangamon County Foundation
Trust Officer
1 East Old Capitol Plaza
Springfield, Illinois 62701

The Herber T. McLean Memorial Fund: The deadline for this award is August 1, and the award varies from $500 to $1,000. This scholarship is open to all students in Illinois interested in pursuing a college degree.

Herbert T. McLean Memorial Fund
Scholarship Coordinator
302 E. Jefferson St.
Bloomington, Illinois 61701-6533
Phone: 309-828-3989

Info from

Info Scholarship - The Business Relationships Scholarship Program (sponsored by C-Food, Inc.)

The Business Relationships Scholarship Program is sponsored by C-Food, Inc. If you plan on pursuing a business or business-related degree, you may qualify for this scholarship.

To be eligible for this award, you must:

  • Be a legal resident of the United States.
  • Be at least 16 or older at the time of application.
  • Be enrolled in an accredited program by 2013.
  • Be pursuing a degree in the field of business.

Interested applicants must also submit a 250-word essay that addresses the following question:

Large companies such as Costco, Wal-Mart and Home Depot are often criticized for driving out Mom & Pop stores. Do you agree? Support your answer.

This is a $500 scholarship. Only one winner is selected annually; the deadline for this year’s award is April 30, 2008. Click here for more information, and direct any questions to the following address:

C-Food, Inc.
4409 McIntosh Park Drive, STE 207
Sarasota, FL 34232

Info from

Info Scholarship - The Dog Writer’s Educational Trust Scholarship

The Dog Writer’s Educational Trust Scholarship is designed for students who have an interest in dogs and/or experience handling dogs at shows. This is an annual award that is available to six recipients; the award amount varies between $1,000 and $2,000.

To be eligible for this award, a student must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States.
  • Have an interest in dogs and dog-related sports, handling, shows, breeding, etc.
  • Be pursuing a college degree.

Selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Involvement with dog-related activities
  • Scholastic ability
  • Financial need
  • Character

In addition to these requirements, you must submit a 250-word essay on each of the following topics:

  1. Your personal goals in college and in your career
  2. Why people own dogs

For more information or to request an application, write to the address below:

Dog Writer’s Educational Trust
P.O. Box 22322
St. Petersburg, Florida 33742-2322

Info from

Info Scholarship - The Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation Scholarship

The Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation Scholarship is a $2,000 award. This scholarship was specifically designed to encourage and aid female students with disabilities.

To be eligible to participate in this opportunity, students must:

  • Be actively applying to or enrolled in a graduate program.
  • Be planning to attend an accredited university in the United States.
  • Have a disability.
  • Be female.

The foundation’s mission in sponsoring this scholarship is to “change the face of disability on the planet,” and it plans to do so “by promoting health in communities through arts, education and advocacy for the total inclusion of people with disabilities.”

For more information about this opportunity, visit the foundation’s website or write to the address below:

ELA Foundation
Scholarship Program
2460 North Lake Avenue, PMB # 128
Altadena, California 91001

Info from

Info Scholarship - The Black History Common Knowledge Challenge

February is Black History month, and each year the Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation sponsors the Black History Common Knowledge Challenge. This is a national scholarship with a $250 award.

According to the website, offers this scholarship in an effort to:

Test the knowledge of Black cultural, education, and milestones of the African-American experience. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a staunch advocate for the incorporation of Black History as an authentic and important component of American History teachings, originated “Black History Week” in 1926. In the 1960s, the concept developed into its current status — “Black History Month.”

Quiz dates are as follows:

  • Quiz 1: Feb. 11-24
  • Quiz 2: Feb. 11-24
  • For more information, visit or write to the address below:

    Daryl Hulce, President
    Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation
    (954) 262-8553

    Info from

    Info Scholarship - Future Salesperson of the Midwest Scholarship Program

    The Future Salesperson of the Midwest Scholarship Program is designed to encourage students who are interested in sales and pursuing a degree in a related field. If you are interested in applying for this annual award, you must:
    • Be a citizen of the U.S.
    • Be a legal resident of one of the following states: ND, SD, NE, KS, MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, IN, MI, or OH.
    • Be 16 years or older at the time of application.
    • Be enrolled in an accredited university by 2013.
    • Be pursuing a business or sales degree.

    Interested applicants must also submit an essay that responds to the following question in 250 words or less:

    “Your company was accidentally sent thousands of hurricane survival kits. Knowing that a hurricane is not likely in the Midwest, how do you sell the kits without losing a large profit margin? Explain your sales tactics.”

    This is a $500 award. Submissions must be received by April 30, 2008. Click here for more information about this scholarship.

    Info from

    Info Scholarship - Innovative Thinkers Scholarship Program

    The Innovative Thinkers Scholarship Program is designed to encourage students to further develop their innovative thinking abilities. This is an annual scholarship open to students pursuing a degree in business.

    To be eligible for this award, you must be:

    • A citizen of the U.S.
    • 16 years or older at the time of application.
    • Enrolled in an accredited university by 2013.
    • Pursuing a business or sales major.

    Interested applicants should submit an essay that responds to the following question in 250 words or less:

    “Governor Schwarzenegger wants you to sell miniature power generators to help alleviate the energy problem in the West. Each generator is powered by a person bicycling atop the unit for a minimum of two hours and each unit costs $400. What would be your angle and what tactics would you employ to move the 1000 units you have been given?”

    This is a $500 award. Submissions must be received by April 30, 2008. Click here for more information.

    Direct questions and submissions to the address below:

    C-Food, Inc.
    4409 McIntosh Park Drive, STE 207
    Sarasota, FL 34232

    Info from

    Info Scholarship - The Western States Dentistry Scholarship Program

    The Western States Dentistry Scholarship Program is designed for students who are interested in career opportunities within the field of dentistry. This is an annual scholarship.

    To be eligible for the award, you must:

    • Be a citizen of the U.S.
    • Reside in one of the following states: Washington, Alaska, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, or Utah.
    • Be 16 years or older at the time of application.
    • Be enrolled in an accredited university by 2013.
    • Be pursuing a degree in dentistry.

    Interested applicants should submit an essay that responds to the following question:

    “You have been selected to write an article for a children’s book about dental health. In 250 words or less, what would you tell them about maintaining their teeth and gums?”

    This is a $500 award. Submissions must be received by May 31, 2008. Click here for more information about this award.

    Direct questions and submissions to the address below:

    Marjan Shagasi, Inc.
    4530 Dublin Blvd.
    Dublin, CA 94568

    Info from

    Saturday, December 29, 2007

    Info Scholarship - Linda Howard Scholarship

    Linda Howard Scholarship


    Vicki Breithaupt



    College Planning Network
    Attn: Linda Howard Scholarship Fund Committee

    Bentley Place
    Townsend, WA 98368
    206-323-0624 or







    # of Awards



    Geographic, Financial, High School

    Criteria & Procedures

    Graduated from a High School in the Seattle School District. Anticipates enrollment for upcoming academic year classes as a full-time student in a college or university within the state of Washington. Has completed his or her freshman year prior to the upcoming academic year classes (45 credit hours or equivalent). Has and maintains an accumulative GPA of 2.50 or above(or equivalent). Selection will be based on applicant's stated financial need and an essay stating the applicants views on "Why one individual can make a difference in the lives of many." Decision will be based 75% on financial need and 25% on the 250 word essay. One alternate will be chosen. In the event that the award recipient loses status as a full-time student or fails to maintain the minimum GPA, the alternate will receive the remainder of the award for that academic year. Each applicant shall submit an application packet consisting of the following components:

    • A completed application.
    • A completed Statement of Financial Need.
    • A copy of your most recent transcript.
    • A copy of your most recent Financial Aid Award Letter (if applicable).
    • A 250 word or less essay explaining your views on "Why one individual can make a difference in the lives of many". Essay should be submitted on (a) double spaced type written page(s).

    Info Scholarship Funds - Walter H. Meyer - Garry L. White Memorial Educational Fund (presented by The Seattle Foundation)

    Walter H. Meyer - Garry L. White Memorial Educational Fund - presented by The Seattle Foundation


    Vicki Breithaupt


    Online App.






    No, may re-apply

    # of Awards

    10 or more


    Geographic, Undergraduate, Graduate, Returning, Financial Need, Academic Achievement

    Criteria & Procedures

    Be attending or prepared to attend a 2 or 4 year public or private university, at the graduate or undergraduate level, in the United States, Canada or Europe. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and be a resident of Washington State. Applicants will be notified after May 15th.

    Info Scholarship - Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards, University of Manchester, UK

    University of Manchester, UK

    The Medical and Human Science Faculty (University of Manchester) is currently inviting application for 2008-2009 Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA). Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA) is a UK scheme to bring outstanding students from India, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, Brazil, Russia and the developing world to come and study for PhDs in top rated UK research facilities. The initiative was launched by the Prime Minister In November 2003.

    Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA) are supported by a combination of the UK Research Councils and industry. They are highly prestigious and attract full international tuition fees as well as providing a maintenance stipend (£12,940 in 2008) and support towards project expenses. The Faculty is typically allocated between 1-2 awards per academic year.


    The scheme is open only to student nationals from: India, China , Hongkong, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and the developing world. For full list of eligible country, please refer to RCUK website.

    Successful candidates are expected to hold the equivalent of a UK First Class honours degree and have graduated within the top 5-10% of their academic cohort. Candidates will also be expected to have proven research potential as demonstrated by their contribution to novel research, significant publication output and ability to demonstrate independent research skills and techniques.

    Application Deadline: Thursday 31 January 2008.

    For further details and application downloads, please visit the official announcement

    All candidates for the DHPA will be automatically considered for the Overseas Research Scholarships (ORS) and Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) awards so please do not submit separate applications for each competition.

    Info from

    Info Scholarship - South Pacific Scholarship Program, United States

    US-South Pacific Scholarship Program

    Funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, USSP provides educational opportunities for individuals from South Pacific countries in fields relevant to the development needs in the region. Funding is for undergraduate degree or Master’s level study.

    Eligibility: Citizens of the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
    Application Deadline: February 1, 2008
    Application forms and information, visit:

    Info from

    Info Scholarship - Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards 2008-2009 in Medical and Human Science, UK

    University of Manchester, UK

    The Medical and Human Science Faculty (University of Manchester) is currently inviting application for 2008-2009 Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA). Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA) is a UK scheme to bring outstanding students from India, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, Brazil, Russia and the developing world to come and study for PhDs in top rated UK research facilities. The initiative was launched by the Prime Minister In November 2003.

    Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards (DHPA) are supported by a combination of the UK Research Councils and industry. They are highly prestigious and attract full international tuition fees as well as providing a maintenance stipend (£12,940 in 2008) and support towards project expenses. The Faculty is typically allocated between 1-2 awards per academic year.


    The scheme is open only to student nationals from: India, China , Hongkong, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and the developing world. For full list of eligible country, please refer to RCUK website.

    Successful candidates are expected to hold the equivalent of a UK First Class honours degree and have graduated within the top 5-10% of their academic cohort. Candidates will also be expected to have proven research potential as demonstrated by their contribution to novel research, significant publication output and ability to demonstrate independent research skills and techniques.

    Application Deadline: Thursday 31 January 2008.

    For further details and application downloads, please visit the official announcement

    All candidates for the DHPA will be automatically considered for the Overseas Research Scholarships (ORS) and Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) awards so please do not submit separate applications for each competition.

    Info from

    Info Scholarship - Ireland, Masters and PhD Scholarships in Software Defined Radio Systems

    National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland

    Applications are invited for a Masters/PhD studentship in the area of interoperability of software defined radio systems. This area of research, led by Dr. Ronan Farrell, as part of substantial ongoing activities in the Institute of Microelectronics and Wireless Systems in the area of reconfigurable radio systems. This project is part of a larger collaborative research programme within the SFI Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain Research (CTVR)

    As the number of reconfigurable radio platforms increase, both hardware and software components, it is increasingly difficult to ascertain the relative performance of these systems and the level of interoperability between the different hardware and software elements. Existing solutions in this space are overwhelmingly complex. The research will focus on tools and techniques to assess the performance of measure and accurately quantify the capabilities of the various platforms currently available, and then to propose a low-cost interface for encouraging interoperability between hardware and software platforms.

    Candidates should hold a first or upper second class honours degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or a cognate discipline. Interest, and preferably experience, in the area of software engineering, telecommunications and electronics systems is essential.

    Successful candidates will join a large multi-disciplinary team and be initially enrolled on a full-time Masters of Engineering Science, with a review after 18 months for progression to a PhD programme.

    The studentship will comprise of fees and an annual stipend of 17,000 Euros. It will be initially awarded for a period of 18 months years, extendable upon satisfactory review to a subsequent 18 months. The position is available immediately though, upon agreement, the start date may be postponed to January 2008.

    For all queries please contact:

    Dr. Ronan Farrell
    Tel: +353-1-7086197

    Info from

    Friday, December 28, 2007

    Info Scholarship - PhD Studentship in Physics

    8 fully funded Prize PhD Studentship in Physics

    Job Summary

    The alliance brings together internationally leading physics research across
    Scotland to form the largest physics grouping in the UK. Major research themes being pursued are astronomy, condensed matter and materials physics, nuclear and plasma physics, elementary particles, photonics and physics and life sciences.

    Job Description

    The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) is offering up to 8 fully funded PhD studentships for outstanding students from anywhere in the world.

    These prestigious and competitive awards are intended to attract outstanding students to study for a PhD in
    Scotland. Applicants will be registered for a PhD in physics at one of the participating Universities namely Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Glasgow, Paisley, St
    and Strathclyde. An excellent training environment will be provided by the SUPA Graduate School, giving candidates access to a wide range of courses across Scotland.

    The online SUPA Prize Studentship is looking to recruit the best early stage researchers for
    Scotland from a world-wide market to come to Scotland and help drive the research agenda in physics. The competition has run three times very successfully. In the first year
    of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition had 127 applications from 34 countries. 10 studentships were awarded. The second year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition saw an increase in applications and countries represented with 186 applications from 50 countries. 9 students were awarded the prize studentships. In our
    third year we had 230 applications again from around 50 countries and we awarded 15 studentships.

    SUPA Graduate School has 7 state of the art video-enable teaching rooms in each of the 6 SUPA partner physics departments and in the University of Dundee. All SUPA students have access to a comprehensive selection of advanced courses being delivered pan-Scotland by SUPA partners pooling expertise in the main theme areas of SUPA viz nuclear and plasma physics, photonics, condensed matter and material physics, astro and space, particle physics and physics and life sciences. In 2006-07, the first year of operation, we offered a total of 611 lecture hours across a choice of 48 graduate courses and 4 distance learning courses.

    Three Learning Technologists support video-enabled teaching and develop e-learning materials for the
    Graduate School. Students and staff within SUPA have access to My.SUPA - a customised learning portal to enhance and support teaching, learning, communication and collaboration within the alliance.

    Applications should be made at by
    31 January 2008.
    Only on-line applications will be accepted. Please don't e-mail us any documents before completing the on-line form.

    Organisation/Institute Contact Data

    Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
    Mayfield Road
    EH9 3JZ

    info from

    Info Scholarship - Tohoku University, Doctoral Program (S3)

    The Graduate School of Engineering, the Graduate School of Information Sciences and the Graduate School of Environmental Studies are pleased to announce the Tohoku University International Doctoral Program in Engineering, Information Sciences and Environmental Studies and invite applicants for 2008 entry. The program was launched in 2001 through the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho) and is now in its eighth year. In this program, a wide variety of elective courses are being offered in English

    Monbukagakusho scholarships for international students with outstanding scholastic ability are being offered as part of the program. Also, students enjoy some of the world's best experimental facilities and study along with distinguished faculty and associates to develop creative and original research that is published in highly reputed international journals.

    Candidates should submit application materials and choose a department for enrollment from the 22 departments listed below:

    • Department of Mechanical System and Design
    • Department of Nanomechanics
    • Department of Aerospace Engineering
    • Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
    • Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering
    • Department of Electronic Engineering
    • Department of Applied Physics
    • Department of Applied Chemistry
    • Department of Chemical Engineering
    • Department of Biomolecular Engineering
    • Department of Metallurgy
    • Department of Materials Science
    • Department of Materials Processing
    • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    • Department of Architecture and Building Sciences
    • Management of Science and Technology Department
    • Department of Bioengineering and Robotics
    • Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
    • Department of System Information Sciences
    • Department of Human-Social Information Sciences
    • Department of Applied Information Sciences
    • Department of Environmental Studies
    Candidates should also choose one from the following
    course groups (A-E):

    Group A : Environmental Engineering
    Group B : Information and Communications
    Group C : Medical Engineering
    Group D : Energy
    Group E : Materials

    Twenty-five students will be admitted per year into
    the program, 5 into each course group. A maximum of 12
    students can be awarded Monbukagakusho scholarships.

    Lectures in English are arranged in areas of students'
    research specialty. However, depending on the
    students' language ability, research supervision may
    be in English or Japanese. And students may also
    attend lectures given in Japanese to fulfill their


    Students in the International Doctoral Program are required to acquire 2 credits of a course from the course group listed on the last page, in addition to fulfilling main requirements for Ph.D. degree.

    The main requirements for Ph.D. degree are (1) three years of residency, which may be shortened for special cases where outstanding research performance is demonstrated; (2) successful completion of a minimum of 16 credits for students in the departments 1 to 17 and 22, or 12 credits for those in the departments 18 to 21; (3) submission of a Doctoral dissertation; and (4) oral defense of doctoral thesis.

    For students in the departments 1 to 17 and 22, the above 16 credits consist of 8 credits of basic interdisciplinary courses and research seminar, and 8 credits of thesis preparation and submission.

    For students in the departments 18 to 21, the above 12 credits consist of 4 credits of basic interdisciplinary courses, and 8 credits of research seminar.


    Eligible candidates are:
    • Those who have Master´s degree, or master´s students who are expected to hold a Master´s degree before the admission date of the International Doctoral Program. The Master´s degree acquired or to be acquired must be equivalent to the Master of Engineering degree, the Master of Information Sciences degree or the Master of Environmental Studies degree awarded by Tohoku University, which include both research and thesis components.
    • Those who have been involved in research for a minimum of two years in internationally accredited College, University or Research Institute after acquiring a Bachelor´s degree from a Japanese accredited College or University, or those who have the same or higher level of academic ability than a Master´s degree holder.

    To be eligible for Monbukagakusho Scholarships, candidates must be under 35 years of age as of April 1, 2008 (born after April 2, 1973) and citizens of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. Military personnel and employees from military institutions are not eligible.


    All application materials, as listed below, must be written in English or Japanese.

    Candidates should submit all the materials except recommendation letters (items 8 and 14) together in a single envelope. The envelope should be addressed as given in the forward pages and should contain: three copies of items 9 and 11; originals of items 6 and 7; and one original plus two copies of all other items, except items 8 and 14. GRE and English test scores (items 6 and 7) should be provided in sealed envelopes as supplied by the responsible organization. The following are the materials to be submitted:

    2. APPLICATION FOR JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MONBUKAGAKUSHO:MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP (Forms #2 and #3), only for students applying for Monbukagakusho Scholarship
    4. Certificates of Bachelor´s Degree and Master´s Degree
    5. Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
    6. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. (GRE General Test is preferable)
    7. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) score. The TOEFL institution code of the Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University is 8958.
    8. RECOMMENDATION LETTER #1 and #2 (Form #5)
    9. Census register, Passport, or other proof of citizenship
    10. Curriculum Vitae with passport photos (6×4cm) taken within the past 6 months. An original photo is required on each copy of the curriculum vitae.
    11. 11. Master´s dissertation or equivalent (1000 words in English, 2000 characters in Japanese). A cover is required.
    12. Personal statement on why the applicant desires to pursue the Doctoral Degree in Engineering, Information Sciences or Environmental Studies
    13. Supporting material (optional) such as theses, journal, conference, and submitted publications.
    14. OFFICIAL RECOMENDATION LETTER (Form #6), only for students from the institutions with formal academic agreement with Tohoku University

    NOTE: Please make sure to submit all the above materials and avoid your application being withdrawn from consideration for the selection.


    Preliminary selection is carried out by the International Doctoral Program Evaluation Committee, based on recommendations from the above-mentioned departments and scholastic aptitude of candidates, according to transcripts, GRE and English language test scores, direct or internet interview, and materials submitted. Then, Tohoku University recommends the selected candidates to Monbukagakusho that makes the final determination of scholarship recipients. The program begins on October 1, 2008.


    Monbukagakusho awards 3-year scholarships to students receiving favorable evaluations. The scholarships cover living expenses (approximately 160,000 yen/month), include a round-trip air ticket (discounted economy) between the nearest international airport in the country of the student´s nationality and the New Tokyo International Airport (NRT). Students awarded with scholarships are exempt from all admission fee and tuition fee. Monbukagakusho requests students who are admitted to the program to complete their doctoral studies within three years of financial support.

    For non-scholarship students, entrance examination fee is 30,000 Yen and admission fee is 282,000 Yen. Tuition fee is 535,800 Yen per academic year. Fees can be revised during the enrollment period. In that case, the new rates are applicable and become effective from the date of the revision.


    1. Documents submitted become the property of Tohoku University and cannot be returned.
    2. Simultaneous applications for Monbukagakusho Scholarship to more than one university are strictly prohibited and will result in cancellation of all scholarship applications being made by the candidate.
    3. Candidates should locate a possible research advisor at Tohoku University before application.
    4. Scholarship students must depart their country on the 1st of October 2008 or later, and arrive in Japan between the 1st of October and 7th of October 2008. Scholarships may be canceled if recipients of Monbukagakusho scholarships fail to arrive in Japan within the above time frame. Non-Scholarship students must arrive in Japan by 25th of September.
    5. All candidates for the program must have finished at least 16 years of primary and secondary education and must have graduated from a university or equivalent. In principle, a degree from another country should have corresponding number of years of formal education to be considered as equivalent to a Japanese degree. However, the Japanese government and universities, considering the differences in educational systems of different countries, have established criteria and schemes that allow international students to attain equivalence to Japanese educational system. Candidates are strongly advised to contact the Admission Office of the Faculty of Engineering with regards to matters on eligibility prior to application.
    6. Candidates are encouraged to become acquainted with Japanese language, culture, and customs. Knowledge of Japanese is essential for daily life and will help to make the stay in Japan productive and also culturally enriching.


    Candidates should submit the required materials so that they arrive no later than February 5, 2008. Candidates will be notified of results of the preliminary selection stage around the end of April 2008. Results of the final selection stage authorized by Monbukagakusho will be announced by July 2008.

    The application forms can be obtained from the office of college or university that have a signed academic agreement with Tohoku University, or the homepages listed below. Further information for the application may be requested by writing to:

    International Doctoral Program in Engineering, Information Sciences and Environmental Studies

    c/o Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
    Aramaki Aza Aoba 6-6-04, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579
    TEL: +81-22-795-5820
    FAX: +81-22-795-5824

    2008-2010 Course Groups

    Numbers in parentheses "( )" refer to departments offering the courses listed on page 1.

    Group A: Environmental Engineering
    (1)(2) / (16) Advanced Damage Tolerance and Design / Risk Management for Failure Prevention, July and/or August, 2009
    (9) Advanced Process Analysis and Modeling, July and/or August, 2011
    (14) Advanced Environmental Hydraulics and Water Quality Engineering, July and/or August, Every other year
    (15) Geological Environment and Earthquake Disaster, July and/or August, 2010
    (16) Advanced Topics in Technology Policy, October 2008 to February, 2009
    (22) Advanced Materials Processing for Environment, November, 2008
    (22) Advanced Ecoengineering Systems, August, 2009
    (22) Advanced Surface and Subsurface Measurements for Environmental Science, August, 2010

    Group B: Information and Communications
    (5)(6)(20)(21) Advanced High-Speed Communication Engineering, April to September, 2009
    (6)(19) Advanced Electronic Device Engineering, July and/or August, 2010
    (7)(18) Quantum Material Physics, February, 2011
    (12) Advanced Topics on High Performance Materials, July and/or August, 2010
    (21) Internet Engineering, October, 2008

    Group C: Medical Engineering
    (4) Advanced Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, September, 2010
    (4) Molecular Medical Engineering, August, 2010
    (5) Advanced Bioelectromagnetics, October and/or November, 2010
    (6) Advanced Biomedical Electronics, July and/or August, 2010
    (10) Advanced Biomolecular Engineering, July and/or August, 2009
    (11) Advanced Course on Materials Physical Chemistry, July and/or August, 2010
    (17) Advanced Bio-Mechanics, January, 2010

    Group D: Energy
    (3) Shock Wave in Complex Media and their Interdisciplinary Applications, July and/or August, 2010
    (4) Advanced Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, September, 2010
    (8) Advanced Course in Atoms and Molecules Control Engineering, July and/or August, 2010
    (9) Advanced Process Analysis and Modeling, July and/or August, 2011
    (13) Advanced Materials Processing, July and/or August, 2010
    (14) Advanced Structural and Material Engineering, July and/or August, Every other year
    (15) Energy and Indoor Environment of Residential Buildings, April to July, 2010
    (16) Advanced Energy Systems and Society, October to December, every year
    (22) Advanced Materials Processing for Environment, November, 2008
    (22) Advanced Ecoengineering Systems, August, 2009
    (22) Advanced Surface and Subsurface Measurements for Environmental Science, August, 2010

    Group E: Materials
    (7) Quantum Material Physics, February, 2011
    (8) Advanced Course in Atoms and Molecules Control Engineering, July and/or August, 2010
    (10) Advanced Biomolecular Engineering, July and/or August, 2009
    (11) Metallurgical Process Engineering, July and/or August, 2009
    (11) Advanced Course on Materials Physical Chemistry, July and/or August, 2010
    (12) Advanced Topics on Highly Sophisticated Materials, July and/or August, 2010
    (13) Advanced Materials Processing, July and/or August, 2010

    Please Proceed To Apply

    Deadline :
    February 5, 2008

    info from

    Info Scholarship - Scholarships for Master of Science Programmes available for the year 2008/2009

    Thanks to the cooperation with public and private partners, for the incoming year 2008/09 there is the opportunity to request consideration for specific scholarships offered to international students applying to one of our Master of Science courses taught in English.
    CCIAA Camera di Commercio di Milano
    Fondazione Cariplo

    Programmes held in Como and Lecco campuses, entirely taught in English:

    • Building Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Management Economics and Industrial Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering

    Programmes held in Milano campus, entirely taught in English:

    • Architecture
    • Urban Planning Policy Design
    • Product Service system Design
    • Computing System Engineering
    • Material Engineering

    All international students who fill-in the on-line application form by January, 15th, 2008 and deliver the required documentation to the International Admission Office by January 30th 2008, will automatically be considered for purely merit-based scholarship that covers both tuition fee and accommodation. Students obtaining a scholarship will have to pay only a nominal tuition fee of €144.


    info from

    Info Scholarship - Master of Science in Computer Science

    Call for Applications - International students

    The Call for applications is open. Top students selected will be granted a scholarship between 5.000 and 12.000 euros.Within the Master of Science in Computer Science there are two Programs of excellence:
    • Honors Master Program in Research (
    • Dual Degree in Computer Science with Georgiatech (
    Participants to this Call may also be considered for the two Excellence Programs.

    Please visit the program website

    Info from

    Info Scholarship - European Master on Mechatronics and Micro-Mechatronic Systems, The European Union

    European Master on Mechatronics and Micro-Mechatronic Systems

    The European Union supports the masters course EU4M (European Master on Mechatronics and Micro-Mechatronic Systems ) by offering 18 attractive scholarships (2 years with 21000 €/year) for Non- European students and one grant for Western Balkan students. It offers also some grants (1,2 or 3 months) for Non- European scholars (academics). The deadline of application is 31 January 2008. The Master has been accepted in the framework of the prestigious European programme on education "Erasmus Mundus".

    During the programme, the student will work one year on universities in two different european countries: Karlsruhe (Germany), Besancon (France) and Gijon (Spain). Lectures are given in the local languages French, German and/or Spanish.

    Duration of studies is two years. During the programme, the student will work one year on universities in two different european countries: Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft, Karlsruhe (Germany), Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et des Microtechniques de Besancon(France) and Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gijon (Spain), obtaining two master's diplomas of those two institutions. Lectures are given in the local languages French, German and/or Spanish.

    Details of the grants and the Masters course and an online application form can be found at

    Prof. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Fritz J. Neff
    Co-ordinator of ERASMUS Mundus EU4M-Consortium
    Director of LMHS (Lab for Micro-Mechatronic Systems)
    Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechatronics
    Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft
    Moltkestrasse 30
    76133 Karlsruhe
    Tel.: ++(0)721 925-1706
    FAX: ++(0)721 925-1707
    e-mail co-ordinator:

    Remember!!! Deadline : January 31, 2008

    info from

    Info Scholarship - GAS Scholarship

    Scholarship support is available to assist students to attend
    the 38th Annual Glass Art Society Conference
    Portland, Oregon,
    June 19-21, 2008

    To be considered GAS must receive application materials by February 15, 2008.

    Student scholarships provide financial support for attendance at the GAS conference and are open to full-time student members of GAS, current through June 2008. The application process is juried.

    General Scholarships
    All full-time student members of GAS are eligible for this scholarship.

    Takako Sano Scholarship
    Students living outside of the United States are eligible for assistance through the Takako Sano Scholarship Fund. One award of $1,000 USD will be given.

    Becky Winship Flameworking Scholarship
    Students whose work uses flameworking techniques are eligible for this scholarship, generously funded by Winship Designs. One award of $1,000 USD will be given.

    One application allows you to be considered for all scholarships, if eligible.


    1. Letter of intent, two (2) pages maximum, stating why you would like to attend the conference. Please indicate the school you are currently attending and your current address, phone, and email.

    2. Brief statement, one (1) page maximum or 300 word max, about the work submitted.

    3. One cd of five (5) maximum jpeg images (cd and images each labeled with your last name, eg. 01_Smith.jpg), 150-300dpi, maximum 800 pixels any width*.

    4. Image Description sheet with the following details about each image:
    a. Your name
    b. Title of the piece
    c. Year of creation
    d. Materials and technique used
    e. Dimensions of the piece
    *Images should be numbered to correspond with the image description sheet.

    5. GAS Membership form and photocopy of current student ID (or other proof of full-time student status) if NOT a current student member. * A GAS membership form can be printed from our website or call 206-382-1305.

    Mail To: Student Scholarship
    Glass Art Society
    3131 Western Avenue, Suite 414
    Seattle, WA 98121, USA

    Deadline for applications : February 15, 2008
    Notification by :
    March 21, 2008

    Article - Where the Scholarships Are?

    Where the Scholarships Are
    Tavia Evans

    As the cost of a college education rises, students are finding ways to foot the bill. Across the country, students have won scholarships to pay their way through school. What's their secret?

    They know where to find scholarships, when to look for them and how to write for them. There's no guarantee you'll win a scholarship, but there are ways to skew the odds in your favor.

    Where's the Money: Anywhere and Everywhere

    • Do your homework. Take advantage of free online scholarship searches, such as Also, research the Web sites of colleges you want to attend because they have information about scholarships. The reference section in the library provides books and resources of federal, national and state sources of college aid. The library also has scholarship directories that list awards based on age, state of residence, cultural background or field of study.
    • Search in your community. Scholarships for college can be as close as your neighborhood bank. Start by asking the organizations and institutions in your community if they offer awards for college. Don't forget about cultural organizations that grant awards based on ethnic background.
    • Talk to your school's counselor. They know your academic record inside and out. Ask them about private and corporate sponsorships that you qualify for.
    • Don't limit yourself. There are also scholarships for unique talents and abilities. Don't confine yourself to academic scholarships or big national awards. Small awards will come in handy too.

    When: Start Early

    It's never too soon to start your scholarship search. Some organizations give college scholarships as early as junior high school. Others require information that needs to be prepared in advance:

    • Make a list. Focus on deadlines. List the scholarships with the earliest deadlines and give them first priority.
    • Test scores. Take the ACT and/or SAT well in advance; if you need to improve your score, you'll have time to take the tests again before the scholarship deadline. Take practice tests in the fall of junior year in high school, then start taking the real tests during the spring of junior year and fall of senior year.
    • Financial Information. Most need-based scholarships require family income and tax forms to prove financial need. Prepare these forms ahead of time to qualify for scholarships.

    How: Write Your Way to College

    Most scholarship applications require short essays. The essay is your chance to tell the selection committee about your personality, interests and activities, and why you deserve their money:

    • Write more than one essay. You should apply for more than one scholarship to increase your chances of winning, so you should have more than one essay. Select at least three essays from your schoolwork that demonstrate creative thinking and good communication skills. Write two more essays that answer general questions, such as:
      • Of the books you have read in the past year, which was your favorite and why?
      • What is your strongest characteristic and why? What is your weakest?
      • What person, living or dead, has had the biggest influence on your life?
    • Make an outline. Depending on the essay question, pick one main theme to focus the essay and select three ideas that support your theme. Your first paragraph should introduce the main idea and provide any relevant background information, but avoid simply summarizing the essay. The other paragraphs should highlight one idea per paragraph. Wrap up the essay with a conclusion. Most essays should be no longer than two pages single spaced.
    • Show, don't tell. It's easy to say, "Martin Luther King was a great person." But it's better to show the reader why: "He led non-violent marches through the streets of Montgomery, Alabama, and Atlanta, Georgia, to protest racial discrimination." Include scenery so the reader can visualize your essay, rather than just read it.
    • Spellcheck. Many selection committees will automatically reject applications with misspelled words and grammatical errors.

    It's possible to go to college without drowning in debt. Don't be discouraged by the price tag on your favorite school. Remember, the secret's in the scholarships.

    an article from

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