
Friday, December 28, 2007

Info Scholarship Funds - Childcare Scholarships

Funds Available:
Approximately $1.2 million is available ($600,000 per year) for eligible 501(c)(3) agencies licensed by the State of California to provide childcare. Agencies apply to the Santa Barbara Foundation on behalf of their participants.

What's new:
1--Applicants will now apply for two years of funding and the RFP process will only be open every other year.

2--A portion of funds will be availabe for full scholarships. (Review the Guidelines and Application for information and talk with staff if you plan to apply for full scholarships.)

Application Deadline:
Next deadline will be in October 2009 for funding for the following two years.

Staff contact:
Emily Stewart
Grants Manager
805-963-1873 ext. 128

Background Information
Two funds combine to provide scholarships to nonprofit agencies for children enrolled in their licensed childcare programs.

William & Lottie Daniel Childcare Scholarship Fund
The William and Lottie Daniel Childcare Scholarship Fund provides childcare scholarships for infant to school-age children from low-income working families. In October 1997, the Santa Barbara Foundation received a gift of $1 million from William Daniel in honor of his wife, Lottie. In response to the recent changes to the welfare system and the acknowledged need for subsidized childcare spaces, Mr. Daniel partnered with the Santa Barbara Foundation to establish a childcare scholarship program.

The Orfalea Fund
The Orfalea Fund, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, is a supporting organization of the Santa Barbara Foundation. In 2006, the Orfalea Fund expanded its focus to include a specific priority on expanding access to quality early-care and programs for school-age and teenage children of working families in Santa Barbara County. Rather than create and run its own scholarship program, the Orfalea Fund decided to add its funding to programs already being successfully administered by the Santa Barbara Foundation. This decision ensures that the maximum percentage of funds can be used for scholarships.

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